Málaga’s mayor, Francisco de la Torre, accompanied by his councillors Juan Ramón Casero (Mobility), Raúl López (Universal Accessibility) and Carolina España (Economy) presented today the access requirements for new transport certificates that will cover the necessity of mobility of two significant user groups. He announced that the access conditions to obtain such a ticket for persons with a disability equal or superior to 33 % will improve and the so-called “PMR ticket” will be valid for all local EMT buses, containing 50 rides or the multiple of this amount.
This new ticket is subsidised by 50% by the Area of Universal Accessibility (Área de Accesibilidad Universal), so that a person who applies for it will receive an aid equal to the half of the cost. The ticket price will be 16,12 €, resulting in an amount of approximately 0,32 € per ride. The innovation benefits about 1300 disabled persons that can profit immediately by the new ticket.
On the other hand, the mayor announced the implementation of the “Employment Help Ticket” (“Tarjeta Ayuda Empleo”), which will be totally free of charge. The beneficiaries of this coupon are unemployed inhabitants of Málaga who are registered in programs of the active job-seeking IMFE / MALAGA EMPLEO. According to estimations, more than 1000 persons will be able to benefit immediately from this new ticket that includes 50 rides per capita. The purpose is to help unemployed people who are searching actively for work or who take part in training courses.